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Vision Direkt

0771 44 00 00

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Medlemskapet i Vision

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A-kassan Vision

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Härmed godkänner du villkoren för medlemskapet i Vision. Det innebär att du är medveten om att dina personuppgifter registreras i Visions medlemsregister. Vi behöver uppgifterna för att erbjuda dig medlemskap i enlighet med våra stadgar.

Läs om hur vi använder dina personuppgifter

Gå till Visions stadgar


Medlemsavgiften baseras på din inkomst och du har själv ett ansvar för att Vision har aktuella inkomstuppgifter om dig.

Som ny medlem är de tre första månaderna gratis. Därefter betalar du medlemsavgiften månadsvis. Erbjudandet kan bara nyttjas vid ett tillfälle.

Om du är under 30 år när du blir medlem betalar du i stället 100 kronor för hela första året. Därefter betalar du medlemsavgiften månadsvis. Erbjudandet kan bara nyttjas vid ett tillfälle och kan inte kombineras med andra erbjudanden.

Om du uppdaterat ditt studentmedlemskap till ett yrkesverksamt medlemskap betalar du också bara 100 kronor i medlemsavgift för hela första året. Därefter betalar du medlemsavgiften månadsvis. Erbjudandet kan bara nyttjas vid ett tillfälle och kan inte kombineras med andra erbjudanden.


Dina uppgifter skickas till de försäkringsbolag Vision har avtal med.

Inkomstförsäkringen ingår i ditt medlemskap. Men du måste vara med i en a-kassa för att ha rätt till ersättning från inkomstförsäkringen om du blir arbetslös. Glöm inte att söka medlemskap i a-kassan separat från ditt medlemskap i Vision.

Gå till A-kassan Visions webbplats

Du ansluts automatiskt till personförsäkringar hos det försäkringsbolag Vision har avtal med. Detta förutsatt att du är bosatt och folkbokförd i Sverige. Tänk dock på att försäkringarna kan omfattas av exempelvis hälsokrav. Därför bör du noggrant läsa informationen du får hemskickad till dig när du har blivit medlem. Kontakta försäkringsbolaget om du inte uppfyller kraven för försäkringen.

För att teckna hemförsäkring till medlemspris behöver du själv kontakta det bolag som Vision hänvisar dig till.

Vision ingriper inte i händelser eller tvister som inträffade innan du lämnade in din ansökan om medlemskap.



  • Members of Vision.

About Vision

Vision is the trade union that puts you and all your ideas in focus. Together we can make sure that you get what you need for success in your career.

You can depend on our professional advice and support when times are good and when they are bad, too. We keep abreast of developments in the labour market, so we can always help you no matter what your employment situation.

There are a lot of us at Vision, which makes it easier for us to take initiatives and use our influence to make sure your job is better than ever. When you join us, you have access to a vast network of people who do the same sort of work as you, people who can be useful contacts.

Get in touch with us whichever way suits you best as to time and place. We are a countrywide organisation, which makes it easy for you to get to know us personally. And also easier for you to get really involved in our work, if that is what you want to do. The choice is yours.

Vision is more than a local and national organisation – we are globally oriented. We are, in fact, a Fair Union, we support human rights and the right to organise. We also believe in a sustainable environment. As a member of Vision, you can contribute to making our world a better place.

In the long run, however, membership is about just one thing – how to get the most out of your working life.

The leading union

Vision members' jobs involve management, developing and administrating welfare in private companies, municipalities, county councils and churches. Vision has over 200 000 members representing thousands of professions, thus forming a useful network. We are politically neutral and affiliated to the TCO (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees).

Who can become a member of Vision?

Almost anyone in the workplace can become a member of Vision, regardless of whether you are permanently or temporarily employed or are working on a project. It makes no difference whether you work full or part time.

Our members represent over 4 000 professions: managers, engineers, human resource managers, social secretaries, economists, priests, therapeutic assistants, administrators, medical secretaries and dental nurses amongst others. Vision members are employed in professions that support welfare in the public sector and in related private enterprises, or employed in the Swedish church or the free churches.

Vision brings together 15 000 managers, which makes us the biggest trade union representing public service management in Sweden.

The membership

What you gain

  • You maximise your network. When you join us, you become part of a vast network; you will, for example, continuously be invited to participate in professional meetings, seminars and training courses. You can participate as much or as little as you want to and can.
  • Higher salaries and career promotion. One of the many benefits of joining is coaching in salary and career issues. You can opt for personal coaching by Vision Direkt or, if you prefer, by our certified career coaches.
  • Get in touch with us whenever it suits you. Have you got questions, ideas or doubts concerning your job? Send us an e-mail, chat, twitter or post your questions on Facebook. We may not have all the answers, but we can promise to do our very best.
  • An excellent income insurance. When you join us, you benefit from not just one of the best income insurances on the market but also several other safety insurances. Some of these are included in the membership fee, others are optional. There are a lot of us at Vision and it is important for all of our members to have access to reliable insurance at reasonable prices.
  • The benefits of membership. Joining us means being able to take advantage of many membership benefits that create added value in your everyday life: training, holiday cabins, papers, reviews and courses are only a few examples. You will also receive Vision’s review every other week.
  • We love negotiation! Our negotiation may involve promoting an hour for health and fitness training or some other activity you and your colleagues would like to start up in your workplace. Or it might be negotiating professional conditions; we do the negotiating at your workplace, at national level with your employer, or internationally in Brussels.
  • Hello, Minister! We focus on you and your working conditions in our efforts to influence politicians, employers and those in power. We can make them aware of what really happens in the real world and put forward our members’ opinions and ideas on developments affecting their professional conditions.
  • Human rights go hand in hand with Vision membership. We support human rights, the right to organise and a sustainable environment. As one of our members, you will contribute to creating a better world. You will be a member of a Fair Union.

Become a member

Become a member now

Or become a member by sending us an e-mail to visiondirekt@vision.se.

Do you prefer to text? Text 72672 and one of us will call you. In return you will receive the information you need to log in to vision.se. Bear in mind that the membership application applies only to Vision and not to A-kassan Vision (the unemployment insurance).

Become a trial member today and try all our services free for three months. The only charge you will have to pay is unemployment insurance.

After your three-month trial membership, you automatically transfer to standard fee-paying membership. Your fee will be deducted from your salary or paid by a pay-in form.

If you are under 30 the day you become a member of Vision, you only pay 100 SEK for the first year! This full membership year commences after your free three-month trial (charges for unemployment insurance not included).

Vision is a Fair Union

Being a Fair Union implies practising what we preach. Which can mean, for example, persuading your employer to buy Fairtrade coffee and tea for your workplace. The next step is to help the growers to achieve better conditions and better wages for their work. By making conscious choices in our everyday life we can reduce our own environmental impact in our workplace and at the same time contribute to a sustainable development. We can lobby municipalities and county councils to make ethical demands in their procurement of goods and ensure that our taxes are put to fair uses.

Sustainability in ethical and environmental issues is an integral part of what our union represents and does. As a union, Vision has chosen to buy from companies which have signed collective agreements and are pro-active in health and safety issues. We want to know that the goods we buy from them are produced under fair working and environmental conditions.

Vision is the first environmentally certified Swedish union. We are dedicated to continuing this aspect of our work and pledge ourselves to reducing our environmental and climatic impact as far as possible.

Talk to your colleagues about what is fair and unfair in your own workplace and how Vision membership can make an important difference.

Vision's organisation

Vision is a democratic organisation governed and developed by its members. As a member of Vision you and your colleagues always belong to a club or a section, and as a member of your club or section you are in an ideal position to exert influence on your employer and Vision.

Vision's national assembly, held once every two years, is the union's highest deciding body and as such elects the union's president and national board.

Vision also has a secretariat staffed by representatives and other experts who operate from Vision's resource centre in Stockholm and seven regional centres.

Vision's unemployment insurance (A-kassan Vision) is there for you as a member of Vision. We strive to ensure that you get the best service as regards unemployment benefits. Vision's unemployment insurance has its office in Stockholm.

Call 0771-773 800 for more information.

Contact Vision

Call us and get an answer straightaway. Or send us an e-mail. We will get back to you within twelve hours.

Welcome to Vision!

0771-44 00 00


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